Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Solo una, proprio a caso dove per prima si è fermata la manina del mouse, tra le mille...

Implanting Citizens With Verichips – The Taking of Free Will
by Nancy Levant - April 26th 05
In October, 2004, the FDA approved an implantable microchip for use in humans. A tiny subcutaneous RFID tag, now made by several American companies like Applied Digital Solutions, VeriChip, and Digital Angel are mass-producing RFID chips and stocking chip warehouses and implantation centers. Upper level governmental officials are getting “chipped” to demonstrate public acceptance of the technology, and they are very quick to highlight the humanitarian uses of tracking devices in humans.
RFID and chipping industries include banks, gas stations, hospitals, social security numbers and drivers’ licenses, passports, schools, military including our soldiers and our enemies, automobiles, telephones and cell phones, televisions, computer systems, prisons, schools, pre-schools, government, all work places and corporations, bars, restaurants, country clubs and other private clubs – or, in other words, it’s everywhere, but like all the other global infrastructures that were slid beneath us by our government and its corporations, RFID technology and human chipping is mostly blacked-out via media so that we do not know their truth and the horrible extent of that truth.
Tutti i giorni mi chiedo perche' io mi ostini a leggere i quotidiani.
Probabilmente in un'altra vita ho profondamente peccato nei confronti del Maalox e adesso devo scontare cosi'.